(+66) 02-026-3302
Official Line: @ArioMarketing

House N 7/2, Lat Phrao Soi 23, Chan Kasem, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900

Flat 1, 88 Blackburn Rd, Sheffield,
Rotherham S61 2DR, United Kingdom
(+44) 7799496724
Reach and connect with potential clients while watching videos they like on YouTube through YouTube Ads, and only pay when they show interest in your Ads.
Smartphone users are more likely to buy from companies whose mobile sites or apps provide video content.
YouTube is the second-highest-ranking social media site in the world with 2 billion users worldwide. Seventy-nine percent of Internet users have YouTube Accounts. Audiences who watch ads on YouTube are entirely 23 times more likely to act upon the video’s call-to-action, and even those who don’t watch the ad entirely are still ten times more likely to take action than those not exposed to the video ad.
Skippable video ads are played before or during the chosen YouTube video. Users can skip them after 5 seconds if they don’t see them appealing or relevant to their needs.
Non-skippable ads can’t be skipped and must be watched to gain access to a YouTube video.
Video discovery is shown on the YouTube homepage, search results pages, and related video on YouTube video watch pages.
Bumper ads are unskippable six-second video ads played before a YouTube video.
YouTube Advertising brings Advantage to your Business
YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google, with more searches than Yahoo, Bing, Ask, and AOL altogether! It also ranks as the third-largest social media network.
A recent YouTube insight report notes that YouTube greatly influences buying decisions of beauty product purchasers, auto-vehicle purchasers, and smartphone purchasers.
Google presents information about views, costs, and budget details through Ads, while YouTube Analytic tab provides detailed information about your viewers.
YouTube can target people based on demographics (age, gender, parental status, and interests). By targeting affinity audiences, ads reach people who have an interest in relevant topics.
Studies show that YouTube advertisements offer a higher ROI than traditional television ads.
As YouTube users tend to spend more time than other social media users, more ads are viewed on YouTube, which means you can drive more attention towards your business.
Just pay per video view. A video ad runs between 0.1 to 1 Baht per view, depending on your video quality, targeting, and overall goal.
YouTube Remarketing is an affordable approach and can be used by either small or big Businesses.
(+66) 02-026-3302
Official Line: @ArioMarketing
House N 7/2, Lat Phrao Soi 23, Chan Kasem, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Flat 1, 88 Blackburn Rd, Sheffield,
Rotherham S61 2DR, United Kingdom
(+44) 7799496724